YAMATO News Letter
小学生、中学生が職場見学 地域とのつながりを深めています。
Elementary and junior high school students visit the workplace Deepening ties with the local community

We would like to introduce the workplace visits to Elementary and Junior high schools that we conduct as part of our community contributions
Contributing to the community through workplace visits.
Workplace visits and job experiences for elementary and middle school students are conducted with the aim of fostering work ethics and career perspectives. In 2022, YAMATO Corporation welcomed students from the local Maekawa Elementary School and Miyauchi Junior high School for the first time.
The purpose is to impress upon the community that YAMATO Corporation is a company that contributes to the local area by establishing connections with the community and gaining the trust of its residents. Additionally, by introducing the company’s operations to the students, it is expected to have the effect of turning them into potential fans in the future, raising awareness of Wa Corporation as a potential place of employment.
Surprised by the fact that there are many women in the workplace
We received thank-you letters and messages from the students. It was refreshing to hear the unique impressions from elementary school students, such as “I was surprised to see such small parts being made with such large machines.” Additionally, it seems that the Junnior high school students were impressed by the high representation of women working in the factory and involved in creating CAD drawings. In 2022, we only had workplace visits, but we are considering preparing for job experiences in the future. We want to become a company that the local community can be proud of.